Explore beautiful downtown Knoxville via river, bicycle and running trails!
Are you ready to TRI KNOX again?
As our South Knoxville community is growing PBR wants to celebrate the addition of Suttree's Landing on the south side as becoming a staple in the riverscape! Come TRI with PBR as we traverse through the South Knoxville beauty for a sprint, olympic, or half-iron distance triathlon, with relay, aquabike, and duathlon options! Something for everyone!
Sprint: 1000M Swim - 14 Mi Bike - 5k Run
Olympic: 1900M Swim - 25 Mi Bike - 10k Run
Half: 2200M Swim - 53 Mile BIke- 13.1 Mi Run
Like our Facebook page for the latest info on the race happening on August 3rd
2011 Kay St SE, Knoxville, TN 37920
Please park at this garage and walk the .5 mile to transition. DO NOT PARK AT ANY LOCAL BUSINESSES, THEY DO TOW! The garage is free is a very short walk to transition. If you want someone to drop you off, then they can drop you off at the corner of DIxie and Langford Ave.
If you decide to walk to the swim start you will follow this path The Sprint start is .65 miles and the Olympic and Half start is 1.2 miles from the finishline.
Triangle Buoys indicate a start or turn, Circle buoys are for sight
Friday BIKE DROP (optional)- 5:30 - 7pm
*Bikes only-No other transition items can be left
2 Shuttles running 3 times
Pick up times: 6:15am - 6:30am - 6:45am
After that you're on your own!
PIck-up is at the corner of Phillips and Foggy Bottom.
Water/Ice/Gatorade/Maurten Gels/Snacks
Bike - #1 Mile 12.5 Oly and Half / Mile 41 Half
#2 Mile 30 Half
Run - #1 Mile 1.5/(4.6)11.8
#2 Mile 2.6/(3.75) 10.75
#3 10k Turn around Mile 3.1/6.5/10.15
#4 Mile 4.2/5.6/7.7/9.1
Swim in and Run out are on the East side of transition. Bike out and Bike In are on the West side of transition.
For Swim Start you can use one grocery sized plastic bag with your bib number written or attached to it to drop any items that you want to be transported to the finishline. There will be a bin to place the bags in and they will be located inside transition when you finish.
LB Endurance Lab 1119-B Sevier Ave
Knoxville, TN 37920
Suttree's Landing, 1001 Waterfront Dr,
Knoxville, TN 37920
Suttree's Landing, 1001 Waterfront Dr,
Knoxville, TN 37920
On-site registration available by using your smart phone device and registering online.
Swim Caps and bike arrows on ground:
Sprint - Green
Olympic - Orange
Yellow - Half
What's in your packet:
( Green =Sprint / Orange = Olympic / Yellow = Half)
Probably some other things that we want to give you ☺
5:00am - Nothing to see here, wait a little longer
5:30am - Packet Pickup opens
Transition Opens -First come first serve in designated sections
6:15am - Shuttles to swim starts begin picking up at the corner of Phillips and Foggy Bottom
6:45am - Half and Sprint Race Briefings
Last Shuttle drops off at swim starts
7:00am - Transition Closes
7:00am - Half and Sprint Race begins with first wave starts (men, clydesdale, Male aquabikes)
7:03am - Half and Sprint race begins with 2nd wave starts (women, Athena, Female aquabikes, Relays)
7:30am - Olympic race begins with first wave starts (men, clydesdale, Male aquabikes)
7:33am - Olympic race begins with 2nd wave starts (women, Athena, Female aquabikes, Relays)
8:00am - Finish line Expo begins
8:30am - Finishers expected to start arriving!
9:30am - Sprint awards ceremony (subject to change)
11:00am - Olympic awards Ceremony (same)
12:00pm - Bike course cutoff (all athletes must be on the run course)
2:00pm - Half Awards Ceremony (also subject to change)
Vendor Expo closes
3:00pm - We have no cutoff for the run, but volunteers may be ready to drink by this time
so be realistic in your goals
7am - Sprint and Half Men and Clydesdales including aquabikes
7:03am -Sprint and Half Women, Athenas, & Relays including aquabikes
7:30am -Olympic Men and Clydesdales including Aqua bike
7:33am -Olympic Women and Athenas including Aquabike
7:36am -All Duathlons will start first run from Island Home Park
Run 1.5 Miles - Bike your division distance - Run your division distance!
Swim your distance - Bike your distance - DONE
Aquabike participants will start in the designated waves for their designated distances.
Duathlon participants will start at Island Home park on Estelle Circle (Half and Olympic Swim Start Shuttle stop)
7am - Sprint and Half Men and Clydesdales including aquabikes
7:03am Sprint and Half Women, Athenas, & Relays including aquabikes
7:30am Olympic Men and Clydesdales including Aqua bike
7:33am Olympic Women and Athenas including Aquabike
7:36am Duathlon start - ALL divisions
The water temp has been averageing between 70 and 73 degrees depending on the rain amounts.
Our USA Triathlon Certified official will take the water temp on race morning to determine whether we are wet suite legal or not. Here are the rules of as a USAT Sanctioned Event:
USAT rules state that competitors may wear wetsuits if the water temperature is 78 degrees or lower. USAT rules also state that if the water temperature is between 78.1 – 83.9 degrees, competitors may wear wetsuits but will not be eligible for awards.
Relay teams are a fun way to try out a triathlon with friends even if you are unable to do one of the disciplines!
Here are some pointers and rules for relay teams:
1. All members of the team have to pickup their packets together with picture id
2. The team will only receive one timing chip, one bib, one bike sticker and one swim cap. The person racing must wear the timing chip and pass it off to their team mate waiting at their bike spot in transition.
3. Relay members are permitted to walk about freely
4. The entire team can cross finishline together, and they all get a medal!
Expo Hours
Friday, August 2nd 5:30pm-7:30pm
Saturday, August 2nd 8am - 2:30pm
We got a pretty sweet line up for you at the finish line this year!
Knoxville Hot Tub Rentals
LB Endurance
Rocky Top Multisport
East TN Women's Tri Club
TVA Credit Union
Clean Eatz
Keoke Coffee Bar
The Long Run
Across the Pond
Redeem Health & Chiropractic